Our elections will take place in October this year and all Mount Florida residents over the age of 16 are invited to put themselves forward to join the Community Council. The nomination process is simple and forms should be submitted by 27th August or as soon as possible before 26th October.

The Community Council provides a platform for residents to address concerns and to make improvements in the area. In the past year, MoFloCoCo has achieved the following and more:
- secured funding for new exercise equipment in the Recs, improvements in Hampden Lane and for Window Wanderland,
- secured planning consent for a new civic space at Letherby Triangle,
- supported the Community Trust in its quest to ensure MF Bowling Club remains a community resource,
- driven the implementation of improvements for both parking and active travel.
In the year ahead we expect to engage with GCC’s consultation on transforming Mount Florida into a 20 minute neighbourhood and to move towards implementing our plans for Letherby Triangle. We want all parts of the community to be represented in these pivotal changes for our neighbourhood.
What does being a Community Councillor Involve?
Community Councillors are expected to attend most meetings and contribute to the discussions and decisions. We have 10 meetings per year – the fourth Tuesday of every month except July and December. In Mount Florida CC we try, as far as possible, to reach decisions by consensus by finding ways forward that are acceptable to everyone. Decisions go to a vote only rarely.
Some Community Councillors also take on responsibility for the administration, especially as Chair, Secretary, Treasurer or taking minutes.
Most important of all, some Community Councillors carry out our projects such as the redevelopment of Letherby Triangle or engaging with GCC on local issues.
How to put yourself forward
Please complete this form and send it to the email or postal address provided. Signatures can be typed instead of handwritten. So you don’t need to print.
The deadline is 27th August – but realistically nominations will be accepted all the way up to the election on 26th October. Please just send it ASAP.
If you have any difficulty, contact us by email or phone our Chair, Chris, on 07852 856969.
You must be over the age of 16 and live within the boundary. You need two other people over 16 who also live in the boundary to propose and second you.
GCC officials check addresses by referring to the electoral register. If you’re not registered to vote at an address in the boundary you may need to provide additional evidence of your address.
What Happens Next?
If more than 12 valid nominations are submitted by 27th August, then residents attending the AGM will each have 12 votes to choose the new Community Council.
If there are fewer than 12 nominations, then these are all automatically accepted. Any late nominations will also be accepted.
Official Public Notice
More information
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us by email or call our Chair, Chris Carus on 07852 856969